Saturday, November 17, 2007

Give me a break

This is annoyed, a what, annoyed, a what annoyed....OH, ANNOYED!

This is an intergection, off beat from the work I usually write about various modes of transportation but dammit, I think its an important one. I just want to comment recently on the people I've been witnessing and how they are so damn selfish and self centered. Maybe this has to do with the fact that I consider myself a pretty level headed, well rounded person de-void of overt materialism, but NYC has maybe some of the worst people and maybe even our school does ad here's an example that really ticked me off...

Java City is a place many people see on a daily basis, perhaps before a three hour class even. I was standing patiently in line and the kid in front of me wanted some non-fat something or other, blah, blah, blah...with skim milk. Granted from what I could tell, the kid was the furthest thing from fat. Anyhow...he got a polite response that they were all out of skim milk. This kid, whose name I will not mention proceeded to go over to the coffee bar and look in the skim milk creamer krafts. He brings it over and says "There's skim milk in here, make it from this."

May seem like a funny thing to be angry over but that kid just stole skim milk from paying customers who maybe wanted to use it IN their coffee....not AS their coffee. I found it particularly irritating to see this sort of action. What a selfish thing to do.

It isn't only that though. I constantly witness people be disrespectful toward sales associates in various stores or food establishments I've been in. Just because a person is working in retail or food doesn't make you any better than they are. When did we get this notion of "I'm above that," or "I'm too good for that?" There's quite frankly no reason to think that a person is any less smart than you are...or less worthy or entitled for that matter. We live in an increasingly globalized world where we deal with people from everywhere, any perception or situation we can think of so it would do well for all of us to start accepting that.

Last night I was in a McDonalds at 2 in the morning...I was hungry and pajama clad and I decided that fries would be the perfect remedy to a bad day. So I went to the nearest McD's and I was again waiting in line. This drunk guy was in front of me and he was ordering...he ordered a large fry and it came to $2.19. The sign said $1.69. He said, the sign's wrong then...and the cashier responded "yeah the corporate hasn't updated it." He responded "Do you speak English, I said the sign is wrong...its the wrong price and that makes it wrong." The cashier got irrationally upset and was about to throw a punch at the drunk guy in front of me

My point is simple...we all need to calm down for a minute and realize we are all human and we are all essentially the same. We all work on the same kinds of things despite our language, origin, eye color etc...Just figured I'd share what has been really getting to me lately

1 comment:

Laura S. Taylor said...

that's so weird, because to me, it seems the java city people and other dales associates are the rude one. I hate the service in NY, you order something and they're rude to you for no reason.